The Lularoe hostess rewards program allows you to rack up on the gifts. This is the main reason why most people will agree to host a party in their home. The WIFM (What’s In It For Me) is strong. Basically when you host a part you get:
- 1 Free pair of leggings just for saying yes to become a host.
- 1 Free item for everyone 10 pieces that you sell.
- $25 for each party or “pop up” that you book at your event.
- 25% off of your purchase
- VIP status for six months.
How to Maximize the Lularoe Hostess Rewards Program
As you can see from above, hosting a party is all about receiving FREE gifts. In this case, you have the opportunity earn free clothes and what girl doesn’t like free clothes. As a Lularoe Hostess there are specific things that you can do to maximize the your hostess rewards and they are as follows:
- Set the date for your home party and invite your guest at least two weeks before. Inviting your guests early, but not too early will allow them time to put it on their calendar and let you know if they can or cannot come.
- Always invite more people than you truly want to attend. Remember that you will always have people who will cancel.
- Send out a postcard or invite to confirm the date and time of your party. This will help to ensure that people will come. Let them know that there will be raffles and more give-a-ways.
- Call your guests the day before to remind of your party the day before to ensure and confirm their attendance. Let them know that you will have refreshments.
- Connect with your Lularoe Rep to find out what games will be played, what type of give-a-ways will be given out and let him or her know more about your guests so they can prepare.
- A week before your party, pass around the catalog in your workplace or have people visit the website to let you know what they would like to order, of course to have a good website is necessary to have the right server as well, for this is good to go online for information, such as; How much does a server cost for a small business? or Where to get the right server?. Get those orders ahead of your party so you start your party with sales.
- Partner with your Lularoe Rep. Ensure he/she arrives on time. Make sure they can find your home. Have your Rep arrive early to set up.
- Have fun and have your Rep do the rest.
- Consider becoming a Lularoe Rep and book other shows from your home event to make even more money.
If you do all of the things above you will definitely maximize the Lularoe Hostess Rewards Program. You can find out more about the program by clicking here.
More About Lularoe
Lularoe was founded in 2013 by DeAnne and Mark Stidham. The company was named after the founders three granddaughters. It is a family owned business with a family centered culture. They have built a community of social entrepreneurs who sell their product via a direct sales model. The company has a mission to strengthen the lives of families through entrepreneurship in the fashion industry.
The company has a wild assortment of leggings. Some of them are holiday themed leggings. Like the pic below (courtesy of their website). A girl could always use pair of leggings.
Are you a Lularoe rep? Do you think this information will help your future hostess? Drop a comment below and pick up the book Quantum Leap: How to Make a Quantum Leap in Your Network Marketing Business and discover how to take your business to the next level.
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