In this article you will find network marketing team names that you may want to consider. Network marketing represents the ultimate exercise in team building. The minute you recruit someone, the process of building a team begins and you immediately become a team leader.
As a leader, you must help your team understand that they should show up and participate in all major meetings and functions. They should understand all aspects of putting together a business opportunity meeting and should volunteer to assist in every way necessary.
Team members should have morals and should always operate in an ethical fashion. They shouldn’t lie or steal or make false promises. And they definitely shouldn’t sign-up other people’s prospects.
Naming your team is an important first part of stepping out as an MLM leader. However, you don’t always have to give your team a name when you join network marketing companies, especially if you have signed up with an already popular team. But when your organization grows to over 100 team members, then you might want to consider naming your team.
Network Marketing Team Names That You Might Like
Dream Catchers
The Dream Team
Spirit of Success
Circle of Success
Xtreme Dream Team
New Visions
High Rollers
The Angels
Team Dynasty
Dream Builders
Team Elite
Team Destiny
The Victory Team
Jet Setters
The Powerhouse Team (TPT)
Vision Quest
New World Order (NWO)
The Winning Team
Team New Beginnings
Team We Don’t Quit
We Build Leaders
World Vision
Rising Stars
Team No Limits
Unlimited Success
The Untouchables
Goal Crushers
The Believers
The Achievers
Peak Performers
The Bomb Squad
The Power Brokers
Next Level Success Team
Team No Limits (TNL)
Elite Success Masters (ESM)
Motivated By Success (MBS)
Branding Your Network Marketing Team Names
Once you’ve decided on a team name, the next thing you will want to do is brand your team. A few ways you can brand your team name is by developing branding colors and a creating a logo. You can also begin to sell your branded logo items to your team or using these items as incentives when your team reaches their goals.
Understanding Your Role As a Team Leader
The team leader is the go-to person. In football, this would be the quarterback. If the team leader isn’t present and participating in all aspects of the game, then the entire organization suffers. Just like everyone follows the lead of the quarterback, the same holds true for leaders in network marketing. You have to lead the pack.
As a leader, you must lead by example. If you say one thing and do something else, your organization will suffer. For example, you cannot tell your team to register for an event, if you are not registered. The same holds true for sales. You cannot tell your team to sell $1,000 when you have not done it.
A team leader you will also have to be humble. Network marketing is an industry in which you cannot advance without a team, even though there are various clubs and honors you can receive on your own based on your own personal production.
It is important to cultivate an environment in your organization where everyone achieves. The more you help your team members achieve, the better off you will be. Help them to achieve success and you will achieve success as well.
A team leader is everything to everyone. You are there to serve your team members. Never forget that. Your team needs you. They need your expertise, your guidance and experience. And your role is to make sure that you are accessible enough for them to receive it.
Create a Duplication Nation
From the time you meet a prospect they’re keenly watching you. This is where the training begins. Your job is to model the behavior that you want to see duplicated in your organization. If you remain consistent, this model behavior will pay off.
The beauty about network marketing is that you do not have to re-invent the wheel, you can just look at the actions of those who have already made it and duplicate their success. Once you become a documented industry success, your team members will follow (duplicate) you.
Build Your Team from Event to Event
It’s important to build your team from event to event. Make sure that you always have a strong representation at every corporate event. This is key to building your team. At events your team gets the opportunity to understand the company better. They also get the opportunity to network with other teams.
Events are also a great opportunity to show your team spirit. Always get your team together while your at corporate events to take photos and to give out awards and to recognize those that made it to the event. These will be great opportunities to “go live” on social media and show others what they’re missing. Fear of missing out on future events is what you want them to have because at events people catch on fire. They hear other folks testimonies and they begin to understand what’s possible for them. This is why it’s important to never miss an event and to always promote events. It is truly the key to success.
Lead Your Team from the Front
You will want to always lead from the front versus beating from the back. What I mean by this is that you should always work your business. You should always recruit and sell your products or services. The moment you stop doing this, you will fall into what we call “Management Mode.” People that fall into this state end up barking orders versus inspiring action. Listen, if your team members wanted a boss they could just go to work everyday. The purpose of network marketing opportunities is to help your team members fire their boss, not gain a new one. Never forget this and you will have tremendous success.
Good luck my friends.
Have you named your network marketing team? If so, what is it? Drop your team name in the comments section below.
Additional Resources to Help You Grow Your Network Marketing Business
Have you purchased 10 Insider Secrets to Network Marketing Success? It is my audio program for leaders like yourself who are seeking to succeed in this industry. Click the image below to get instant access to the audio program.
Get the Book that so many people in the industry are talking about, “Quantum Leap: How to Make a Quantum Leap in Your Network Marketing Business”
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